California Courier
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Sen. Bates Secures Massive Funding For Young Adults in Foster Care

Bates secured hundreds of thousands of dollars between Orange and San Diego Counties.

Republican State Senator Pat Bates announced that the California Department of Housing and Community Development has granted $433,775 to Orange and San Diego counties to assist young adults who are at risk of becoming homeless.

“I am elated Orange and San Diego Counties will receive over $433,000 in housing funds for young adults in foster care,” said Bates. “The National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI) estimates twenty-percent of foster youth become homeless when they age out of the system.”

“In addition to experiencing a lack of permanent housing, foster youth are at a higher risk of being incarcerated, diagnosed with a mental health disorder, and receiving inadequate health care – making them one of California’s most vulnerable populations. The additional resources provided through this program will go a long way in ensuring adequate housing for foster youth.”

The funding comes from the Housing Navigators Program which receives its money from the 2019-20 California state budget. These grants are part of a total allocation of close to $5 million in funds to counties in the state.

“I appreciate the efforts of the California Department of Housing and Community Development to ensure every region receives its fair share of state resources to help house young adults who may become homeless,” said Bates. “This funding will help more people during these especially challenging times.”

The Housing Navigators Program offers funding to counties to help secure housing for people between the ages of 18-21. Specifically the program puts an emphasis on the foster care system.

Bates is currently running for Orange County Supervisor. She has been endorsed by the Orange County Register.

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