California’s Educational Shortcomings: Falling Behind in Math and Literacy Skills California, often touted as a leader in progressive policies, falls short in crucial areas such...
“Justice will be served,” the supervisor said. In a heart-wrenching act of violence, Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer, a dedicated member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s...
California Government’s Chronic Inability to Utilize Technology: State Auditor Identifies High Risk Programs California’s government is facing significant challenges in effectively utilizing technology, according to...
California’s Progressive Stance on Discrimination Awaits Newsom’s Approval. California legislators, in a groundbreaking move, have approved a bill that places the state at the forefront...
Planned Parenthood joins a slew of prominent organizations supporting the esteemed supervisor. In a significant show of support, the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project Los Angeles...
Sen. Mike McGuire to Replace Atkins as California Senate Leader Toni Atkins, the leader of the California Senate, announced on Monday that she will be...
California Domestic Workers Rally for Workplace Protections Dozens of domestic workers gathered at the state Capitol grounds on Tuesday, advocating for enhanced workplace protections. The...
Community advocate Kristie Bruce-Lane unveils her practical approach to addressing San Diego County’s rising homelessness, emphasizing empathy, education, prevention, and integrated efforts. In the frigid...
Never holding a job outside of politics, Chris Holden’s run for Los Angeles County Supervisor raises critical questions about his understanding of the average citizen....
The unresolved tax battle continues in California. For 45 years, California has been caught in a fierce and ongoing debate surrounding taxes and property tax...