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Max Duncan Running for Aliso Viejo City Council

Max Duncan, former entrepreneur & IT professional has been endorsed by the OC GOP, OC Lincoln Club, & two current city council members. 

Max Duncan, a native of Orange County, is running for the City Councilmen of Aliso Viejo. Per  Duncan’s campaign website, his promise to members of the Aliso Viejo community is to keep his city safe. Endorsements have been coming in for Max Duncan’s city council campaign such as, the OC GOP, OC Lincoln Club, & he even received an endorsement from Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs. Max Duncan has also received endorsements from current Aliso Viejo City Council members, Dave Harrington & Mike Munzing.

Throughout his life, Max has been in the IT profession involved in entreprenuership, & has been a business leader. On his campaign website, right off the bat, Max mentions the ways he would help Aliso Viejo. 

He states, “I feel a special connection with our great city, and I am running for city council to give back for the incredible experience it has provided. I have a deep passion for keeping Aliso Viejo safe, and family-friendly, and to maintain our quality of life,” (Website). 

Some of the qualities that Max wants in Aliso Viejo City Council are, “thoughtful leadership, transparency, a fresh perspective, and creative solutions to the challenges facing our city.” 

Issues are what determine change in Aliso Viejo. Max Duncan is running on the issues of Keeping Aliso Viejo Safe, Stopping Political Radicalism in Aliso, Expanding Bike Safety, & Fix The Town Center. One of the top issues Max Duncan and his campaign are focusing on is public safety in the community. 

Duncan states, “Crime of all categories is on the uptick nationwide, and Aliso Viejo is no exception. Public safety is my top priority for our community. I support all law enforcement activities and efforts in Aliso Viejo, and I will work with the council and Orange County Sheriff to enhance and expand services.” 

With all the issues facing the community of Aliso Viejo, the Duncan campaign has created a slogan to remind voters of his safety-first campaign called, #KeepAlisoAwesome. 

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