With the eagerly anticipated solar eclipse coming on April 8th, Californians are gearing up for a celestial spectacle unlike any other. As anticipation builds, many...
Unprecedented Endorsements Highlight Min’s Unwavering Commitment to Reproductive Rights. In an unprecedented achievement, Dave Min emerges as the sole candidate in #CA47 to receive perfect...
As Santa Ana residents grapple with escalating crime, there is a palpable sense of irony in the disconnect between the vast resources at the disposal...
California Invests Billions in Education to Address Pandemic Impact, But Faces Mixed Results. California allocated billions of dollars in 2023 to support students academically and...
The Vice President’s statement inflamed parents, who said it is not teachers’ jobs to keep student secrets from parents. Michael Parham, the Vice President of...
California Prepares for Massive Offshore Wind Experiment. Ocean waters off California’s coast are set to become the site of a groundbreaking experiment in wind energy....
Newsom’s cautious approach to recent legislation raises questions about his national ambitions. Nearly two decades ago, Gavin Newsom made waves when, as the mayor of...
California’s Progressive Stance on Discrimination Awaits Newsom’s Approval. California legislators, in a groundbreaking move, have approved a bill that places the state at the forefront...
Never holding a job outside of politics, Chris Holden’s run for Los Angeles County Supervisor raises critical questions about his understanding of the average citizen....