California Courier
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Young Kim “thrilled” as President Biden SIgns into Law The Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act

The Act will address Global Malnutrition in the most impoverished countries over the next seven years.

Rep. Young Kim recently had a bill she authored to address malnutrition across the world signed into law by President Biden, something she said has become worse in recent years.

“Every 11 seconds, a child dies of malnutrition, tragically claiming roughly 3.1 million young lives each year. Rising inflation, food supply chain disruptions and global conflict is causing even more children to suffer,” said Kim.

“I am thrilled we can get this bipartisan effort to combat global malnutrition officially across the finish line and will continue working on the Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights Subcommittee to end preventable deaths worldwide.”

Kim introduced the bill along with House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX), Chair Gregory Meeks (NY) and Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (PA) on Jul 26, 2021.

Key elements of the Act authorizes the establishment of a Nutrition Leadership Council to work in co-ordiantion with other US strategies and agencies in addressing malnutrition globally.

It authorizes efforts to prevent and treat severe malnutrition by directing resources and nutrition, prenatal supplements, Vitamin A, breast-feeding support, and food products for the treatment of acute malnutrition to the most vulnerable populations susceptible to severe malnutrition.

The act also prioritizes countries that are impoverished and underserved with a prevalence of severe malnutrition among children under the age of five and nursing mothers.

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